Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Homemade Pudding

1 cup Sugar (brown sugar for butterscotch)

1/3 cup Cornstarch
1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
3 cups Whole Milk
5 Egg Yolks, lightly beaten
2 teaspoons Vanilla
2 Tablespoons Butter, cut into pieces

Combine sugar and cornstarch in a soup pan.

Stir in heavy cream and 3 cups of milk.

Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently with a whisk, for about 20 minutes.  

When mixture is thick and bubbly and starts to stick at the bottom, ladle a spoonful of the mixture slowly into the egg yolks.  Whisk while slowly pouring.  Then poor the egg yolk mixture into the milk mixture while whisking.

Continue cooking and whisking till mixture thickens.  Remove from heat.

Stir in butter pieces and vanilla.

Transfer to a baking dish and lay plastic wrap over dish making sure that the plastic wrap touches the top of the pudding in all places.  Let rest for about 10 minutes then put in refrigerate till cold, about 6-8 hours.  

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