Saturday, February 15, 2020

Homemade Greek Yogurt

1 gallon whole milk (not ultra-pasteurized)
8-16 oz plain yogurt (live active cultures)
2 Jars Spreadable Fruit

If you start by 11 am you will be able to get the yogurt in the fridge by 11pm.  So start earlier if you want to go to bed earlier!

Divide the milk evenly into pint-sized mason jars leaving about 1" of empty space in the top of each jar. (We typically get 10 jars.) Close the lids to finger tightness. Place the jars in a water bath deep enough to cover. Set your sous-vide machine to 180 °F.  When the sous-vide reaches 180 °F (~1hr and 15min to reach temperature) keep it at 180 °F for 45 min (if the yogurt does not turn out smooth then increase this time in the future).

Remove the jars from the bath and empty the bath, replace with cold water, and have the sous-vide machine circulate water without heat in order to cool the jars.  You do this by turning the sous-vide to 110 °F.

When the jars and the bath have reached 110 °F (~45 min for the temperature to come down and stay consistent) remove the jars from the bath and open them. Place one large spoonful of yogurt in each jar and gently stir to distribute the yogurt. Re-seal the jars to finger tightness and return the jars to the bath. Keep the sous-vide 110 °F and incubate for 6 hours.

Remove the jars from the bath and empty the bath. Cool the jars to room temperature and then refrigerate overnight or several hours. 

Once the yogurt has chilled and become less runny, empty all of the jars except for one into a strainer and strain (can use cheese cloth or coffee filters) until the desired consistency is achieved (we like 3 hours, but use less time if you want less firm yogurt or more time if you want more firm yogurt, this is what makes it "Greek"). 

After it has firmed place into containers and refrigerate. 

Keep the remaining jar refrigerated to serve as the culture for the next batch.

Serve 1/3 cup yogurt with 2 Tablespoons Spreadable Fruit stirred till well combined. My favorite is the Peach!

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