Sunday, September 25, 2022


 4 Sheets Graham Crackers
1 Bar Hershey's Chocolate Bar
4 Marshmallows

Flame Directions:
On a serving tray prepare graham cracker sandwiches by breaking the graham cracker sheets in half.  Stack the sheets 2 thick around the tray.

Break the Hershey bars into rows, there should be 4 rows of 3 rectangle chocolates.  Place one row of 3 on top of each graham cracker stack.  

Place a marshmallow on a stick and heat over a flame till desired doneness.

Have someone help you make your sandwich by taking the bottom graham cracker in the stack and sandwiching the marshmallow on the stick with the graham cracker that has the chocolate.

You can eat right away or wait a little while for the chocolate to melt and become softer.  

Oven Directions:
Turn the oven to broil.

Break sheets of graham crackers in half.  

Place as many half sheets of graham crackers down on an oven safe baking sheet as sandwiches you want.  Place a row of chocolate on top of the graham cracker half sheet.  Place a Marshmallow on top of the chocolate.  

Play baking sheet under broiler and cook for about 1 minute.  You might want to bake one to see how long it will take so as not to ruin the whole batch.  It could take up to 3 minutes.  The closer it tray is the the broiler the faster it will cook.

When marshmallows are to desired doneness take out of the oven and top with half a sheet of graham cracker to complete the sandwich.  You can press down slightly to smash the chocolate and marshmallow together.

Party S'mores Directions:
Make a party out of plain s'mores by jazzing up your topping selection.  
  • Hershey's Bars
  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
  • Andy's Mints 
  • Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, variety of flavors
  • Lime Curd
  • Lemon Curd
  • Nutella
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly, variety of flavors
  • Strawberry Slices
  • Banana Slices
  • Bacon
  • Cinnamon & Sugar (Mix 2T Sugar with 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon)

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