Tuesday, May 23, 2023


1 lb. Bacon, cooked crisp
10 slices Bread, toasted
5 Eggs
Romaine Lettuce
Tomato, sliced thin

Cook bacon till nice a crisp.  I like to put a paper towel on a plate and lay the cooked bacon on top, not overlapping.  I use 2 plates for this.  

Toast the bread.  You want some color to the bread but not too toasted or it is hard on your mouth to eat it.  

In the bacon fat, cook the eggs over medium.

Put mayo on both slices of bread.

Wash lettuce leaves and dry thoroughly.  You want the lettuce leaves to be about the size of your bread so you might have to tear them in half.

Make sandwich by putting on one slice of the sandwich:
3 slices of bacon
1 over medium cooked egg
Lettuce leaf
Tomato slice

Top with other slice of bread.

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